SYNOPSIS An ordinary California boy is plucked from obscurity to become the star of a family sitcom in the 1950s. His sudden success in Hollywood will create a breach in his family that will test every member on a deeply personal level. Will Joey’s real family...
Camelot’s Cousin is a thriller set against the backdrop of the Cuban Missile Crisis and other famous events during the Kennedy administration. The discovery of a long-buried journal indicates that one of President Kennedy’s most trusted friends was actually a...
SYNOPSIS The brothers at the Abbey of Monte Manna can’t see to get much right, especially Brothers Goliath, Nugget, and White—all orphaned circus rejects dropped off at the abbey as kids. Now as grown men their abbey’s existence is on the line and they are chosen to...
SYNOPSIS PI is assigned to find a missing girl which embroils her in the dangerous world of the client and his dark motives to find his daughter. PARTNERS Little Studio Films Screenwriter: Elizabeth S. Sulivan (from her novel). Talent Cast: TBA Links...
SYNOPSIS Night of the Bluebird is a historic and harrowing true story of the first high sea rescue. Set out to sea for an experience most would never forget, a father and son set out to sea and are caught by surprise by a fierce winter storm that puts their small...