“Jake & Clara” is a novel of “true story” fiction based on a real-life drama that played out in headlines across America in 1920-1921. The story is about: Love, Betrayal, Big Oil, Presidential Politics, Scandal, Hollywood, Political...
In the decades preceding WWII, hundreds of thousands of Italians flocked to our shores in hopes of starting new lives in a land that promised freedom and opportunity. They immigrated through the Great Hall of Ellis Island, in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, and...
Based on the true life experiences of the writer Marty Johnson, Central Booking brings a whole new look at what really happens when you get arrested and booked into jail. Set in San Diego, CA, Central Booking digs deep into the lives of the Deputies, Staff, and...
Camelot’s Cousin is a thriller set against the backdrop of the Cuban Missile Crisis and other famous events during the Kennedy administration. The discovery of a long-buried journal indicates that one of President Kennedy’s most trusted friends was actually a...