Beach Love (previously titled “Riding 79” ) is a coming-of-age movie set in magical Puerto Rico. It’s 1979 and Miguel is about to go on the ride of his life to meet his dream girl Stella. Cast Lorenzo Henrie, Madalyn Horcher, Tristan Jarred, Kim...
A journey into Soul music through the lives and performances of some of the greatest Soul artists at Italy’s Porretta Soul Festival. Genre Documentary, Music Cast Otis Clay, Swamp Dogg Directed by Marco Della Fonte Produced by Little Studio Films, Lost...
Luis Rivera, a Mexican jumper pursues Olympic glory. Injuries threaten his dream while his younger brothers follow in his path and example. Genre Documentary, Family, Sport Cast Luis Rivera Produced by Little Studio Films, Sutilde Cine Directed by Jorge Porras Written...
To redeem his soul, the ghost of a killer is sent to lead a neglected teenage girl to save a group of street children from the abuse of a criminal organization. Cast Gledis Cinque, Gugliermo Buonaccorti Produced by Giacomo Arrigoni, Gianpiero Raciti, Alexia Melocchi...
A shy young man attempts to buy ice cream for his girlfriend when faced with two of the town’s worst bullies. This is the beginning of a day he will never forget. Genre Horror/Thriller Cast Spencer Treat Clark, Laura Harring, Wade Williams, Zack Cumer, Brendan...