After a record-breaking hurricane, the son of a famous oceanographer struggles to recover a treasure from a sunken 16th-century Spanish galleon off the Florida coast while being tracked down by a professional pirate. Genre: Action Adventure Cast: Adrian Grenier (as...
Following a terrorist attack, an ex Veteran finds himself trapped under the rubble of a basement in a nearly collapsed building. Suffering from PTSD, he has no memory of how he got there and struggles to stay alive with only his cell phone as his lifeline. Genre...
For a group of friends facing a mid-life crisis, a road trip reunion down ROUTE 66 proves to be a psychological nightmare of past revelations and devastating consequences. Genre Psycological Thriller Produced by: Alexia Melocchi Written by Alexandra Yacovlef and...
Having moved to America with her husband and young son in the early 1900s, Concetta alias Mama Dallas, makes the difficult decision to help a mafia boss in order to provide for her family. When she defies his direct orders, she makes a mistake that leads to her...
Two decidedly unpopular high schoolers throw a party at an abandoned house for their few friends, resulting in mayhem in their sleepy town on All Hallow’s Eve. Genre Horror Comedy Produced by Alexia Melocchi, Marco Ristori, Niccolo Messina Written by Anne M. Brauer,...
Eluding jail time before Christmas, small-time crooks Gus and Les are sentenced to community service as Salvation Army bell-ringers until their light-fingered ways are hindered when one falls for Gina, and her charming daughter. Genre Holiday Romantic Comedy Cast...