Return to Happiness is a documentary about the life-transforming journey of a Canadian pro hockey player who after having been imprisoned for dealing drugs and losing the things and people he loved most seeks a return to happiness and redemption via a humanitarian...
It’s 1967 and Eli Rosenberg and Michael DuBois, are accepted in only one medical school in the country: Meharry Medical College, an all-black medical school in Tennessee, a considerable distance from their life in Brooklyn, New York. Two outsiders from...
Walter, approaching his elder years, is terrified to lose the most precious thing in his life…his wife who is very ill. Not having the financial resources to pay for his wife’s medical treatments, he decides to start a new business –to rob a bank- and asks for help...
Following a terrorist attack, an ex Veteran finds himself trapped under the rubble of a basement in a nearly collapsed building. Suffering from PTSD, he has no memory of how he got there and struggles to stay alive with only his cell phone as his lifeline. Genre...
Beach Love (previously titled “Riding 79” ) is a coming-of-age movie set in magical Puerto Rico. It’s 1979 and Miguel is about to go on the ride of his life to meet his dream girl Stella. Cast Lorenzo Henrie, Madalyn Horcher, Tristan Jarred, Kim...
A journey into Soul music through the lives and performances of some of the greatest Soul artists at Italy’s Porretta Soul Festival. Genre Documentary, Music Cast Otis Clay, Swamp Dogg Directed by Marco Della Fonte Produced by Little Studio Films, Lost...